Actress, Director, Drama Teacher, Journalist.
Born 1970.
Since her graduation from the Theatre Academy in Helsinki 1997 she has been working as freelance actress and director. She is the artistic director and founding member of Ozonteatern, a free theatre company. During 2004-13 she has been the Head Teacher of the Drama Program at Västra Nylands folkhögskola in Karis.
Salvesen has been working and studying the Chekhov technique since 1998 with teachers such as Lenard Petit, Jobst Langhans, Sarah Kane and Joanna Merlin. She is Co-founder of Michael Chekhov Europe, a network of European actors and directors. Salvesen has been giving workshops in the Michael Chekhov technique in Finland, Sweden, Germany, Ireland and Turkey.
She is awarded for her unconventional and artistically challenging performances and for bringing international influences into Finnish theatre education. Salvesen works in organisations and companies with artistic methods in order to stimulate creativity and innovations at workplaces. She has also worked as TV-journalist at the Finnish Broadcast Company.