born 1977 in Berlin
Anna-Katharina Andrees studied theatre in Berlin at the European theatre institute from 2000-2003. She has been working as theatre-teacher since 1998. Anna-Katharina is certificated teacher of the Michael Chekhov technique, studied competences for dance- teaching at Seneca Intensive in Berlin and the basic program of the Rosalia Chladek- System® in Vienna. Already as a teenager Anna- Katharina Andrees got in touch with the Michael Chekhov Technique through her father Jörg Andrees, who is working as teacher and director in the Michael Chekhov Technique since 30 years. In 2005 Anna-Katharina got in contact with Circus. Working as trainer, teacher and director for shows & music Anna-Katharina got more interested in combining her knowledge of the Michael Chekhov technique with movement and dance, theatre and circus-arts. Anna-Katharina Andrees is founder of the Zentrum für bewegte Kunst e.V (ZBK) Berlin.